Your data is out there; let's go get it.
Using VoBo endpoints, industrial companies can collect data and provide the edge compute capability needed to fulfill the promise of Industry 4.0.
VoBo Endpoints A VoBo™ is an industrial grade endpoint that enables almost any sensor to be used for industrial LoRaWAN® solutions.

The VoBo utilizes LoRa, a long-range, low power, radio technology used in LoRaWAN networks. These networks are very cost-effective to deploy and scalable. The VoBo further reduces costs in many cases by eliminating cabling requirements for communications and power to the measurement points. The standards for LoRa and LoRaWAN are overseen by the LoRa Alliance. Volley Boast is a member of the LoRa Alliance. Additional information on LoRa and LoRaWAN can be found at lora-alliance.org.