VoBo TC™
Certified for use in Class 1 Div 2 hazardous locations
UL-62368-1, CSA C22.2 No. 62368-1
UL 121201 and CAN/CSA C22.2 No.213
Class I, Division 2, Groups B, C, D T4
Class II, Division 2, Groups F,G T135 °C
Class III, Division 1
The VoBo TC is an industrial grade 12 channel thermocouple LoRaWAN® bridge certified for Class 1 Division 2 hazardous areas. It has integrated Cold Joint Compensation for reliable measurements and has open circuit detection. The VoBo TC can be configured locally through a serial connection or over the air with downlinks. Its rugged enclosure and internal antenna permit it to be installed almost anywhere without concern for the elements. The LoRaWAN® radio technology provides for economical scaling and years of battery life.
With the addition of Volley Boast’s proprietary VoBoSync software, the VoBo TC is ideal for enhancing your Industry 4.0 edge compute and analytics program.
12 Selectable thermocouple inputs
Supports Type B,E,J,K,N,S,R, and T
Reports in °C or mV
On board Cold Joint Temperature compensation.
16 Bit measurement resolution ±0.001mV
Open circuit detection
NIST ITS-90 Table Lookup and Interpolation
Connect and Power
12 thermocouples per unit
Remote and Local
Power Supply
Customer replaceable battery
3+ Years of service with a single replaceable battery
LoRaWAN 1.0.4 compliant, backwards compatible
US915 (902-928 MHz) channel plan
Works with any LoRaWAN compliant network
Up to 6 miles RF range, LOS
Internal antenna
IP66/NEMA 4X Rated
-40°C to 80°C Operating Temperature
Class 1 Division 2 Hazardous area

For additional information and useful tools, visit the Volley Boast Customer Portal.