VoBo GP-1 and HL-1

VoBo GP-1™
General purpose LoRaWAN bridge
UL-62368-1, Third Edition
CSA C22.2 No. 62368-1, Third Edition
Annex Y

VoBo HL-1™
Certified for use in Class 1 Div 2 hazardous locations
ANSI/ISA 12.12.01 and CAN/CSA C22.2 No.213:
Class I, Division 2, Groups C,D T4
Class II, Division 2, Groups F,G T135 oC
Class III, Division 1
The VoBo GP-1™ and VoBo HL-1™ are an industrial grade, multiple input, universal LoRaWAN® bridge endpoint. They convert wired instrumentation into LoRaWAN® enabled instrumentation. It’s wide range of analog and digital inputs enable customers to enhance their automation efforts using favored or legacy sensors. The VoBo GP-1 and HL-1 are battery operated and can supply power to connected sensors from its analog terminals. Typical battery life is 3+ years and is user replaceable. It can be configured locally through a serial connection or over the air with downlinks. Its rugged enclosure and internal antenna permit it to be installed almost anywhere, the HL-1 is certified for Class 1 Division 2 hazardous areas. The LoRa® radio technology and LoRaWAN® protocol provide dependable long-range communication and economical scaling.
We recently launched new improvements to the VoBo’s functionality and versatility!
New Standard Features
- Engineering Unit Reporting available for analog channels eliminates the need for additional computations to sensor data, simplifying and reducing the effort involved with decoding payloads.
- Data Logging collects sensor data in an improved format for recovery with or without a network connection. If network connection is lost, or in offline mode, payload data is available for recovery.
- Offline Mode utilizes the data logging capability when there is no LoRaWAN network available, or no transmission is needed. The VoBo functions as a data logger, collecting data for download.
- Recover and Save Configuration CSV files for re-use, reducing deployment effort on repeated applications.
- Modbus Write capability enables the VoBo to write data to a Modbus device’s registers.
- Improved Payload Decoder is a universal decoder for all VoBo models, backward compatible to previous models and available on LoRaWAN Network Servers with VoBo profiles. Includes Modbus word and byte swap capability
- Health Monitoring Tools provide additional information on the operating condition of the VoBo and it's transmissions.
- VoBoConfig Tool is a user-friendly interface that simplifies local VoBo configuration.
New Optional Features
- Analytics plug-in option applies customer defined algorithm(s) to the sensor data, computing results and/or initiating an action. Analytics open a world of options in VoBo data collection, analysis, and operational functionality. True edge computing capability is now available for your IoT deployment.
- VoBoSync* option enables synchronized sensor measurements on any number of enabled devices or a single VoBo endpoint. Improve the relevance and value of your data analysis with coordinated sensor measurements and transmission, improved data success rate, and improved battery life.
- Multiple Modbus Read/Write option allows multiple slave devices to be read and written to, by a single VoBo.
3 Analog Inputs – 4-20mA, 0-5V, 0-10V
3 Digital Inputs – dry contact and voltage
1 Digital Interrupt Input – dry contact wake-up
Serial Input – RS485 Modbus RTU (option for multiple Modbus RTU read/write available)
Local and Over the Air
Available with VoBoSync
VoBoSync (Pat. Pending) technology allows the data collection on any number of VoBoSync enabled devices to be synchronized, while avoiding battery draining retransmissions due to packet collisions.
VoBoSync requires the use of a network server that is compliant with LoRaWAN 1.0.3 or later.
Power Supply
2 to 5+ Years of service with a single user replaceable battery
Battery can supply power for sensors
US915 (902-928 MHz) channel plan
LoRaWAN 1.0.4 compliant, backwards compatible
Works with any LoRaWAN compliant network
Up to 6 miles RF range, LOS
Internal antenna
IP66 / NEMA 4X Rated
-35°C to 80°C operating temperature
Class 1 Division 2 Hazardous area (HL-1)

VoBo GP-1

VoBo HL-1
For additional information and useful tools, visit the Volley Boast Customer Portal.